Moving to Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in Jordan: Rhetoric, Practice and Prospects

Author's Name: Hamza Mahmoud Al Shoura & Aznan Che Ahmad
Subject Area: Social Science and Humanities
Subject Education
Section Research Paper


Disabled students, inclusive education, resource room, Jordan.


This paper was provided context for understanding the inclusive education and its issues related by reviewing of the legal framework for special education and current situation and practice. Confusions at the levels of inclusion legislations and practice are deeply discussed. The paper was explored the main challenges involved in inclusive education for students with and disabilities that they could not receive their education sufficiently. An effective implementation of the inclusion law compromised their basic learning facilities such as finance, equipment and materials, human resources (trained teachers) as well as attitudes. This study was an attempt to discuss the challenges in implementing this law effectively and the inadequacy of current education system for these students with disabilities. This paper was organized based on secondary data gathered from relevant reports, studies, researches and empirical understanding of this author.

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