Author's Name: Abdullaeva Feruza Suyunovna
Subject Area: Social Science and Humanities
Subject Education
Section Research Paper


Special text, lingvodidactic, the term, onomasiological, the terminological lexicon, additional methods, sub-language, semantic, information.


The resolution of the President of the republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improvement the study of foreign languages" puts a great challenge for university teachers. One of the tasks of teaching English in higher nonlinguistic schools is to form communication skills, which is impossible without studying terminological vocabulary of sublanguage speciality, i.e. a deep knowledge of the language theory is urgent. Under the terms of professional communication terminology appears as a supportive unit of the transmitted content. Therefore, the aim of the academic description of terminological vocabulary is primarily lies in its semantization, i.e. providing students with particular knowledge on terminology will lead to their properly and freely usage in the field of scientific communication. The article considers the juridical terminology training problems in lingvodidactic aspect.

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