Author's Name: B.Prakash Babu, Suhani S, Huban Thomas & Sneha Gk
Subject Area: Health Science
Subject Other
Section Research Paper


Spina bifida, Talipes Equinovarus


Talipes equinovarus is a most common congenital defect. Today it is not only clinicians and physicians who desire to understand the details of diagnosis and treatment, but also the parents of affected children, as because of the inherent economic and emotional burden of a clubfoot diagnosis but also for proper compliance with treatment protocols to prevent future reoccurrences. The cause of this condition is less known. Different mechanisms have been proposed i.e., neurological, bony, muscular, connective tissue and vascular. However the only evidence is that the milder cases are associated with posture within uterus. There is a proof available for the aetiology of congenital Talipes equinovarus genetically. Complex segregation analysis suggests that the most likely inheritance pattern is a single gene of major effect operating against a polygenic background. Spina bifida is type of birth defect where there is an incomplete closing of the spinal column and meninges around the baby’s spinal cord. There are four types of spina bifida: Occulta, closed neural tube defects, meningocele and myelomeningocele. The most usual location is the lumbosacral region. Meningomyelocele is the most severe form. The diagnosis by a simple ultrasound can be correct especially if abortion is considered, and a prenatal MRI scan should be done prior to counselling and before considering the surgical treatment. A Pregnant women underwent a routine ultrasound examination at 19 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound of fetus showed lower midline lesion suspect of meningomyelocele. More ultrasounds were done which showed spina bifida with congenital Talipes equinovarus of right lower limb. Pregnancy was terminated at 19 plus weeks I/V/O. On physical examination of aborted fetus a 2 X 2 X 1 cm midline mass was seen in lumbosacral region covered with meninges.

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